Biodiversity led by the Ecuadorian indigenous, supported and benefited by all

Protecting biodiversity in our ecosystems and our cultures should be paramount for everyone.


Working with official Ecuadorian institutions and entities, we hope to regenerate degraded land in the Amazon rainforest, prevent harmful pursuits of natural resources, and build a self-sustaining exchange of ideas and skills between the indigenous and the non-indigenous.

Know more to do more.

Sasi Muskuí Runa is guided by strong values to achieve our ambitious mission through a number of agricultural, economic, and educational initiatives. Additionally, our board members bring years of experience and tenacity, domestic and abroad, to strategically tackle and solve various project challenges.


Want to help?

This is a movement that affects millions. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our initial stage goals, donating resources or funds to help our projects take root, or spreading the word and putting political pressure on our governments to act, we need your help.


At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.

— Chico Mendes